Round Britain – Gometra to Mallaig

Tomorrow is another day, as they say, and the trip north from Gometra Harbour could not have been more of a contrast with the previous day’s motoring and flat sea. An easterly force 4 to 5 increased to a solid 6 across the Sound of Mull. For the first time ever we tucked a second reef in the main, rolled … Read More

At anchor in Gometra Harbour

After an amazing day seeing puffins up close at the Treshnish Islands (and I mean within a few feet) and gasping in awe at the sheer natural splendour of Staffa and Fingal’s Cave (must dash home and write an overture to celebrate it…!) we have come over towards Mull and anchored in a tiny inlet called Gometra Harbour, separating the … Read More

Round Britain – Loch Aline to Gometra Harbour

From Loch Aline we cruised round Lismore Island, a little way up Loch Linne from Oban. It was delightful gently sailing down the east side under jib alone. The views during this extended period of high pressure are breathtaking wherever you look – the mountains and islands at their very best. Oban was a necessary stop, to say goodbye to … Read More

Round Britain – North from Islay

We took our departure from Islay on Friday 18th May at just after 1300, to catch the north-going tide. At first we thought it might be best to go east of Jura, but the Sound of Jura gets narrower at the top end and squirts you through the Sound of Luing, so you need to work the tides, and we … Read More

Round Britain – Antrim to Islay

Monday to Tuesday 14th to 15th May The coast of Antrim was a spectacular delight, better than the Lake District, according to Andy. North from Belfast Lough the cliffs and mountains are craggy, rounded giants. We chose to ride out a tide in Red Bay, waiting until after 10pm before setting out into the strong north-going tide. Wind was too … Read More

Round Britain – Carlingford to Ardglass

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday we were cowering in Carlingford Marina being battered by winds of force 6 gusting to 8, which persisted for 15 hours then suddenly vanished. It was so bad we were concerned about even getting up the pontoon, and spent a horrible night amid squeaks and groans. Then today we left through their very … Read More

Round Britain – meet the crew

We have one amazing crewmember, Otto. He is sleek, black, powerful, doesn’t consume much, never complains about going on watch in the early morning and lives in the back beam. He is the indispensable autopilot, who has done most of the steering tirelessly for the trip. It would be quite tough and unpleasant having to hand steer all the way. … Read More

Round Britain – Up the Irish Coast

3 days of outstanding sailing, running up the Irish coast. First stop Arklow, where we stormed in towards the land at 11 knots with a strong sea breeze behind us. We moored against a pontoon in the river and met some of the local sailing club racers. Arklow is charming, friendly and will be absolutely wonderful once they have got … Read More